CANCELLED Shaker Tape Weaving
November 13, 2024

Learn to weave a chair seat with Shaker tape.

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.


Shaker tape comes in many colors and two sizes. Patterns are infinite, but in class you will learn checkerboard and herringbone twill.

Learn to weave a chair with Shaker tape.

Class Size: 5 people

Class Length: Approximately 5 hours

Tuition: includes one or two colors of Shaker Tape, five hours of instruction, and all tools and materials* necessary to complete a project. 

BYOC:  Bring your own chair or we can provide one for you with advanced notice for ~$50. Click here to watch a video that explains how to pick the best beginner chair for your first project.  

*BEFORE CLASS: Students need to choose colors of Shaker tape at least 2 weeks in advance of the class.  Stop by the school to see colors in person or look online at Shaker Workshops.

  • Please note that there are different sizes of shaker tape (5/8” , 7/8″ , & 1”). We designed the class for 5/8 tape.
  • 1 inch tape will go very quickly – we suggest 5/8 tape for a stronger seat
  • Please have a second choice for colors…Recently a few colors have been back-ordered for a while. Choosing your colors a month or more in advance is highly recommended.

IMPORTANT: Please read our Workshop FAQs.

Choosing a Chair for Shaker Tape Weaving Class