• Silver River Center for Chair Caning

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Welcome to Silver River Center For Chair Caning

Help rebuild the nation’s only chair weaving school & museum!

OUR RIVER ARTS DISTRICT LOCATION IS CLOSED.  We are now located at 32 N. Main Street Weaverville NC 28787


The nation’s only chair caning school & museum is operated by Brandy Clements & Dave Klingler, two chair nerds on a mission to dispel the myth that chair caning is a “dying art.”

Thanks for your support.

Call, text or email 828-707-4553 – SilverRiverChairs@gmail.com


Dave Klinger and Brandy Clements of Silver River Center of Chair Caning are two of the most passionate and energetic people I have ever met in any industry. They have the ability, patience and knowledge to assimilate with both the novice weaver or the highly experienced craftsman. Two of the most talented weavers, businessmen, organizers and genuine people in the Chair Seat Weaving Industry. It will be no surprise to me to watch the Silver River Center of Chair Caning succeed and flourish for many decades to come.Ray DeFrancesco, President HH Perkins Co.


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