2020 Chair Caning Legacy Class for Educators at Arrowmont

We are excited to spoil the teachers who sign up for the Legacy Chair Caning Class in 2020!
LEGACY at ARROWMONT: Appalachian Arts for Appalachian Teachers
FREE CLASS! July 12–18, 2020 ~ Deadline to apply: April 1, 2020
Last summer we taught hand woven chair caning at Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts. The school has a fascinating history: it was there before the Smoky Mountain National Park was dedicated and before the town of Gatlinburg was incorporated.

Make a footstool with splint reed after you’re finished with your caned chair!
Our experience at Arrowmont was nothing short of perfect. We arrived the day before and pretty much had the place to ourselves. They had sandwich stuff and snacks in a fridge because the dining hall wasn’t open. My room had a dormer window with a desk situated in it and a diamond weave corn shuck arm chair. The room was cozy and light, the bed super comfy. I took one of the best naps I ever had and then went to get a pint of local brew.
The class was incredible. Seven students, one of which was the director of the Wood program at Arrowmont (no pressure!). We had two retired educators who lived locally and took advantage of the local discount to take the class. We had one serial student from Louisiana who built a canoe in a previous class and built the seat for the canoe to weave in our class. A woman who was just about to go to the furniture program at The University of Wisconsin. And last but not least two college grads in their mid-twenties who were part of the work study program. We left inspired and enthusiastic about the innovation these folks brought to the traditional craft. See the awesomeness in the slideshow at the bottom of this post.

Dave playing a handmade guitar at Randy Ogle’s Shop
It was such a positive experience that we were thrilled to be invited back to teach a group of educators who get to come to Arrowmont FOR FREE with funding from grants. After our experience in February of 2019 with teaching 125 4th graders, and realizing that teachers most likely don’t eat or pee all day, we can’t wait to spoil our students! Each student will weave one quality antique caned chair and a new footstool made by local Chairmaker Randy Ogle. (We will visit his shop on the Arts & Crafts Trail in Gatlinburg!) The grant pays for the classes, chairs, footstools, materials, your instructors, your food, your lodging, and a stipend upon completion.
Teachers in Appalachian counties from NC, TN, VA, KY, and OH… apply today! https://arrowmont.slideroom.com/#/Login
Learn more and see a list of applicable counties here: https://www.arrowmont.org/appalachian-craft/legacy/