2014 Appalachian Chair Caning Tour, conclusion

2014 Appalachian Chair Caning Tour, conclusion

My first SeatWeavers Guild Annual Gathering was like having a little too much to drink at a party.  You meet tons of people, talk about your shared passions, become instant best friends with at least 5 people, but don’t really remember much except that is was the best time ever! Each paragraph of the Appalachian Chair […]

Embarking on the 2014 Appalachian Chair Caning Tour.

Embarking on the 2014 Appalachian Chair Caning Tour.

As time draws near to the 2015 SeatWeavers Guild Annual Gathering, I am compelled to tell the story of the momentous 2014 Appalachian Chair Caning Tour to New England (sweet New England).  So much has happened because of that trip. So much that I neglected blogging for a solid year of work to make the chairvolution from Go […]