2020 Chair Weaving Census

Big News! A Research Project on Chair Caning and Seat Weaving in the US People constantly tell me chair caning is a “lost” or “dying” art, but the truth is, it is everywhere right now…and has been around for at least 4,000 years. I think chair caning and seat weaving is kind of the Rodney […]
Chair Nerd Debut at Arrowmont, 2019. Part 2: The Class

Is it possible to fall in love with 7 people in a week? Yes it is. If your students are as badass as those in our Chair Nerd debut at Arrowmont last summer. I mentioned in the previous post that Arrowmont is a bit of a bubble like summer camp. You make instant best friends […]
Midwest Chair Caning Tour 2015

The Chair Nerds are back on another adventure to the great state of Indiana! The SeatWeavers Guild Annual Gathering was hosted by Veep David Dick at Brown County State Park. Dave and I took a detour at Pleasant Hill Shaker Village in Kentucky and stayed in Louisville on the way there and back. Here is our […]
2014 Appalachian Chair Caning Tour, conclusion

My first SeatWeavers Guild Annual Gathering was like having a little too much to drink at a party. You meet tons of people, talk about your shared passions, become instant best friends with at least 5 people, but don’t really remember much except that is was the best time ever! Each paragraph of the Appalachian Chair […]
Embarking on the 2014 Appalachian Chair Caning Tour.

As time draws near to the 2015 SeatWeavers Guild Annual Gathering, I am compelled to tell the story of the momentous 2014 Appalachian Chair Caning Tour to New England (sweet New England). So much has happened because of that trip. So much that I neglected blogging for a solid year of work to make the chairvolution from Go […]