2020 Chair Weaving Census

Big News! A Research Project on Chair Caning and Seat Weaving in the US People constantly tell me chair caning is a “lost” or “dying” art, but the truth is, it is everywhere right now…and has been around for at least 4,000 years. I think chair caning and seat weaving is kind of the Rodney […]
Cane-spotting! The Inaugural Luncheon.
In the early days of my chair caning business, I came up with a cheer: GO CHAIR REPAIR! And a jingle: Chair repair, chair repair, doot doot doot doot doot chair repair. (If you’re trying to sing it yourself, the melody goes up the first 3 syllables, down the second 3 syllables, and the last […]
Want to take a caning class?
Greetings from Planet Art in the River Arts District! I am trying to put together a schedule for 2012 including Chair Caning classes as early as March! Below are 7 questions that will help me in planning classes. General information follows the questionaire, please read…it’s a lot of info! Please respond at your convenience with the following […]