2020 Chair Weaving Census

Big News! A Research Project on Chair Caning and Seat Weaving in the US People constantly tell me chair caning is a “lost” or “dying” art, but the truth is, it is everywhere right now…and has been around for at least 4,000 years. I think chair caning and seat weaving is kind of the Rodney […]
2020 Chair Caning Legacy Class for Educators at Arrowmont

LEGACY at ARROWMONT: Appalachian Arts for Appalachian Teachers FREE CLASS! July 12–18, 2020 ~ Deadline to apply: April 1, 2020 Last summer we taught hand woven chair caning at Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts. The school has a fascinating history: it was there before the Smoky Mountain National Park was dedicated and before the […]
Chair Nerd Debut at Arrowmont, 2019. Part 2: The Class

Is it possible to fall in love with 7 people in a week? Yes it is. If your students are as badass as those in our Chair Nerd debut at Arrowmont last summer. I mentioned in the previous post that Arrowmont is a bit of a bubble like summer camp. You make instant best friends […]