
Chair Nerd Profile: Randy Ogle

Chair Nerd Profile: Randy Ogle

Oh the joys of stumbling upon a Chair Shop on your first day in a new city! Dave and I were ready to get out of town last summer so we arrived at Arrowmont as soon as we possibly could to explore a little bit before the class. We unpacked in our cozy rooms and […]

Chair Nerd Debut at Arrowmont, 2019. Part 2: The Class

Chair Nerd Debut at Arrowmont, 2019. Part 2: The Class

Is it possible to fall in love with 7 people in a week? Yes it is. If your students are as badass as those in our Chair Nerd debut at Arrowmont last summer. I mentioned in the previous post that Arrowmont is a bit of a bubble like summer camp. You make instant best friends […]

Canespotting: Einstein, Lautrec, Stalin, Picasso, & Bentwood

Posted by in Antiques, Uncategorized

We love hearing the story behind the chair.  In our disposable society, somehow people manage to retain sentimental attachments to chairs and get nostalgic warm fuzzies telling the provenance of their chair.  Of course some people toss $2000 chairs to the curb because the weave is broken, so it balances out. Speaking of chair stories, […]

Cane-spotting…Norman Rockwell’s Chair

Chair Repair, Chair Repair. Like I said,  it’s everywhere!  Including tonight on Antiques Roadshow. Watch it here.   Or read the article.  This lady was a model for Norman as a child and her father was his friend/photographer, who eventually got the chair off of him.  He gave it away because the seat was broken! […]

Canespotting: Mark Twain’s Chair

While being laid out with the flu, Dave and I watched a Ken Burns special about Mark Twain.  We see cane chairs and designs in almost every show we watch including Dr. Who, Sons of Anarchy, Downton Abbey, a Mt. Everest documentary, and numerous nerdy biographies on PBS.  Here is a chair we were really […]